Waterfall location: Sarawak
Sibu Berangin Waterfall....at Sg Buru, Ulu Balai Ringgin

The Sibu Ber-angin waterfall is proof that the size of the stream does not necessarily dictate the impressiveness of the waterfall.....Sg. Buru is a rather small stream orinating in west Kalimantan province of Indonesia after it flows across the border into Sarawak (Malaysian Borneo) it passes over a series of 3 high escarpments forming three wonderful waterfalls..as shown in this album. After visiting the 3 waterfalls we went downstream to pay avisitp to the traditional custodians of the area, Bidayuh people of nearby Bidayuh Longhouse.view album on following link:


Click here for more info

Contributed by Jay on 2016-04-25
